Lieu | Goma, Beni |
Horaire de travail | Temps pleins |
Type de contrat | CDD |
Durée du Contrat | 12 mois |
Date de clôture | 30 juin 2024 |
Mission et objectifs
The United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the DR Congo (MONUSCO) was established in 1999 under the auspices of the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO). –
Assignments are non-family (GOMA and Beni)
Description de la tâche
Within the terms of the organization’s delegated authority, and under the direct supervision of the Team Leader, the UN Volunteer will undertake the following tasks: Solicit and evaluate bids/proposals/quotations to ensure overall competitiveness, quality, and conformity to specified requirements; Plan procurement actions for assigned projects, which typically involve the procurement of a select group of technically complex commodities or services, or for a variety of goods and services of a general nature; Manage and coordinate the activities in his/her unit or area of responsibility in accordance with the UN Financial Regulations and Rules; Review and analyze technical specifications to ensure completeness, accuracy and competitive qualities, and identify optional courses of action; Assist staff in matters regarding procurement policies and procedures, technical specifications, pricing and product/service availability, as well as appropriate substitutes or alternative options to reduce costs; Develop vendor pre-qualifying criteria, identify product sources and evaluate vendor performance with regards to quality, prices, delivery, equipment, etc.; Compile and present procurement data, prepare all relevant supporting documents and recommend approval of the contract or purchase order; and, in cases where the amount exceeds authorized signature authority, prepare submissions to the Contracts Committee for review and subsequent approval by the authorized official; Coordinate timely delivery of goods and services; Participate in the market and supplier research; Prepare a variety of reports (e.g. Business Intelligence Reports), correspondence, and documents (i.e. purchase orders, contracts and amendments) on procurement-related matters When working with (including supervising) national staff or (non-)governmental counterparts, including Implementing Partners (IPs), the incumbent is strong
Expérience requise
3 années d’expérience en Procurement contracting work in private industry or a government organization; relevant practical experience in the UN would be an asset; Have affinity with or interest in humanitarian relief, post-conflict situations, volunteerism as a mechanism for durable development, and the UN System.
Domaine(s) d’expertise
Economics and finance, Economics and finance
Permis de conduire
YES Requis
English, Niveau: Fluent, Requis French, Niveau: Working knowledge, Souhaitable
Niveau de formation requis
Bachelor degree or equivalent en Business Administration, Public Administration, Commerce, Engineering, Law or other relevant discipline, or equivalent.
Compétences et valeurs
Client Orientation, Communication, Creativity, Ethics and Values, Integrity, Planning and Organizing, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity, Working in Teams
Déclaration d’inclusivité
Le programme des Volontaires des Nations Unies est un programme d’égalité des chances qui accueille les candidatures de professionnels qualifiés. Nous nous engageons à atteindre la diversité en termes de sexe, de soins et de caractéristiques protégées. Dans le cadre de leur adhésion aux valeurs du programme VNU, tous les Volontaires des Nations Unies s’engagent à combattre toute forme de discrimination, et à promouvoir le respect des droits de l’homme et de la dignité individuelle, sans distinction de race, de sexe, d’identité de genre, de religion, de nationalité, d’origine ethnique, d’orientation sexuelle, de handicap, de grossesse, d’âge, de langue, d’origine sociale ou de tout autre statut.
Note sur les exigences en matière de vaccination Covid-19
Les candidats sélectionnés pour certains groupes professionnels peuvent être soumis à des exigences d’inoculation (vaccination), notamment contre le SRAS-CoV-2 (Covid-19), conformément à la politique de l’entité hôte applicable